Invigorate Masterstroke - By Dipen Bose

16th November - 24th September, 2022

What is Art ? 

“It is the response of man’s creative soul to the call of the Real”.

“Art awakens. a sense of real by establishing an intimate relationship between our inner being and the universe at large, bringing a Consciousness of deep joy!”

~Rabindranath Tagore

The artist is the lover of nature, therefore he is her slave and her master. Art is neither a ‘reality show’ nor a transcript of reality. But Art can rejuvenate life-scape drawing on events of life or produce an alternative version of life lived in a cherished world of thought and Imagination. These creations make visible either pleasurable imaginations or a life we aspire for, which may be fantasy but not impossible.

It has given me immense pleasure to write few sentences on the forgotten masterstrokes of the eminent artist of Bengal School -Shri Dipen Bose. 

Dipen Bose is self taught, artist with no academic training in not. But inspired by his grandfather Nagendra Bose, he learnt the oil painting technique from artist Debiprasad Ray Chowdhury. He was born and brought up in Kolkata. He started painting in 1947, after giving his job at Central Excise Services in Kolkata. His association with the Indian Institute of Art and Industry and Indian Society of Oriental Art played a vital Grote in his life. He was very close to artists Indra Dugar and Nandalal Bose. He was also associated with Art Industry and Rachana till 1952. These associations provoked and inspired him towards the traditional paintings of India. The effect of Kalighat style, Bengal school  style, Rajasthani miniature style were dominant in his painting style. On other hand, French Impressionism and Chinese Art also played vital role in his art.

He worked in different medium with different enormous style with various themes. His ‘Durga’ and Laxmi series are popular among collectors. “Crow” series is his natural representation through sketches. 

I am not a professional Curator rather mo Historian rather & a technical an Art restorero who is in this held over decades and ealing with paintings like old masters or modern Contempo Fraxy wets. I wan lue am lust

[6:09 pm,]    enough to have the opportunity to work on these excations and to research on their style, brush strokes or composition. I go while working on such wet works I met the eminent Artist Dipen Bose’s family and dound the amazing collection of his works.. wonderful works. His stylization and strong-bold individuality of, Neo beg bengal style amazed. me. The Tuniqueness of the his brush-stroke deveing living a ‘eye’ on the figurative Fructure fasenmated me. In organized composition. theme and space during z division in every style of his art balanced his all works.

[6:09 pm,]    Awesome vibrant colours and nicely blended themati presentation giver his fainting “Uuminating effect. I He successfulles blended a lace traditio between the Traditional painting and modern with modernity which made hind aworks distinguished in the nes bengal art and praced him a rest & net respective position of Indian Art. Delighted to have this apportunity to curata to his work as I only wanted to showcase his all works for exhibition for people who are as and exhibit his works as fre art collectors, galleries or aetist are less and are about his beautiful creations. 30. Mr. Sheeshare Thamb Director 2

[6:10 pm,]    and I jointly planned to represent thearkest Dipen Bose’l -work from his family collection in a unique way. It’s avery auth more information in a realida along his personal belongings with frame it! An’s Jefamily Speak in from poluata clarified that the works happened organically overtime, without specific timeplan, till we invented them, to exhibit.

Looking at the works and the invocation of memory that runs 35, Chize a cord, one in the words of throug g h Paul Gauguin Color? What a deep and mysterious language. It is the language of dreands

Invigorate Masterstroke - By Dipen Bose

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Invigorate Masterstroke - By Dipen Bose
