Resonance in Dissonance
30th March - 17th April, 2022
Resonance in Dissonance is a collection of art curated by Renuka Sondhi
Gulati that brings together the varied works across mediums and genres.
Featuring the art works by Anil Bodwal, Gauri Vermula, Jagmohan Bangani,
Meena Deora, Madan Lal, Renuka Sondhi Gulati, Sanjay Roy, Shruti Gupta
Chandra, and Tutu Patnaik, the art show is a coalescence of multiple takes
on life. Premised on the belief of dissonance being the fundamental principle
of diversity, enabling species to thrive, evolve, and survive, the collection of
art suggests approaches, inspirations, beliefs, and the very tools that the
artistic spirit must embrace to pave the way for the world. Be it the ancient
tradition and culture depicted by Patnaik through memories touched by
the earthy soil, Sanjay Roy’s canvases titled “Back to earth”, visibly voicing
the collision of chaos and spirituality in his own visual language, or
Meena Deora whose ‘thoughts have escaped’ from the subconscious to
find themselves as figurative expressions in her paintings with the images
bearing semblance to legendary forms in mystical moods as in the epics.
For Anil Bodwal it is a sensitive and meticulous development of various
contextual interpretations of his surrounding space and personal items of
lifestyle through his art practice, while Shruti Gupta Chandra articulates her
individualistic concerns about the human life within the fast growing urban
spaces. Madan Lal’s ‘Codes of Colour’ bears multi-layered imagery, replete
with life’s many motifs and bright colours that exude a mysterious vibrancy,
drawn from many journeys, internal and external, with the forms finding
their own space and place, along with the elements of nature — everyday life,
birds, animals, dreams and fantasies. Renuka Sondhi Gulati’s works intersect
with the colours of life as well as her painting’s title ‘Colours of Life’
suggests while her sculptures inspired by the animal world force a relook
at the chaos in the human world. Artist Jagdish Chander’s ‘in the face’
canvases display a unique artistic intellectual acumen drawing its viewers
into facing their own deep conflicts of mind and heart while Gouri Vemula
offers a fresh thought in her Ink sketches rendering beautiful luscious
forms to mundane people.
While curating this show, I was overwhelmed with the wide range of art
being represented and faltered to put my own work amidst such talent. As a
surrealist, it was sculpting that led me to once more, reaching out to people
as is the purpose of this art show.
– Renuka Sondhi Gulati